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Friday, 17 June 2016

How to lose weight with Nigerian dishes.

weight loss

Just as others are interested in weight gain, weight loss is also considered important by many too. These are a few steps you should stick to in order to help you complete your journey of weight lose.

1. Eat less of carbohydrates:
Carbohydrate rich foods are known for high calorie content which results in weight gain. Therefore, taking less of it will reduce the calorie content in your body thereby reducing your weight gain. Just endeavor to eat less of carbohydrates, there are still important for your body so you've got to take them still but make sure it's in a regulated amount.

2. Consume less of Palm oil:
Palm oil too are also good sources of calorie. Try avoiding it as it'll make you gain weight.

3. Consume less of salt (maggi):
You should note that salt is not directly involved in weight gain or loss. However, where it comes into play is, retention of water in the body. Salt makes water lose in the body difficult thereby accumulating water in your body and making you thick. This isn't your goal, seasonings like Maggi, knorr etc are reach in Salt therefore  minimize the amount you consume. It'll help facilitate your weight loss goals.

4. Consume less of drinks:
These drinks are rich in carbohydrates. This means high calorie, as you know already, calorie causes weight gain. Since you wish to loss weight instead,  you should watch the things you drink and the quantity too!.

5. Consume less of red meat:
Red meat are also high in calorie. Therefore, consuming it works against your dream. I'm aware that it'll be sure tough for you to do this hence, slizzed recommends goat meat as it's less in calorie content compared to other meats. Make sure you cut of the excess fat before consuming it.

6. Avoid deep fried foods:
Consuming oven baked or oven fried foods is best for you. Consuming deep fried foods will only result in Making you fat.

7. Avoid high calorie snacks:
These snacks tends to be really nice and irresistible. Well, you've still got to fight the urge. Snacks like lacasera, gala, hollandia yoghurt and many more should be avoided greatly. Check the snacks pack for the calorie content. Take snacks that have less or no calorie content to achieve your goal real quick.

8. Consume more of spicy foods:
This guide is to help reduce your rate of consumption. If you eat too fast you'll end up consuming more than you wanted and you'll definitely get fat.

9. Consume more of fibre:
This is similar to the above step. This step makes you full much quicker and stay this way for long. This means less eating which equals weight lose.

10. Exercising:
Despite the above steps which is food centered. Exercising is of great importance when it comes to weight lose. You could walk for at least 30 minutes, jog for similar minutes works well too. They help in burning fat. Don't fail to exercise, remember it's really important.

I know things may be tough at first but don't loss hope. If you've got any issues feel free to ask. Slizzed is always happy to help out!.

How to Gain Weight Fast for Nigerians.

How to Gain Weight for Africans

People find gaining of weight pretty difficult. To me, I believe it's cause your eating the wrong kinds of food. Well, that wouldn't be an issue anymore after reading this post. Here's a breakdown list of African (Nigerian) foods that'll work pretty well in Making you gain weight pretty fast. Make sure you stick to them!.

1. Endeavor to take more of solid foods:
Foods like pounded yam, amala, egusi etc, has proved to perform greatly in getting people fat. These foods are called solid foods. This is because of the high calories they've got, avoid wheat meals as they do the opposite of the latter. Endeavor to consume adequate amounts of these foods. Trust me, you'll  add up some weight in no time.

2. Consume enough noodles:
These are foods like spaghetti, indomie, macaroni and many more. They are made from flour therefore they contain calories. The greater the amount you consume the better, just suit up dear.

3. Eat snacks:
Snacks also come packed with great amounts of calories. Endeavor to consume them, they'll definitely help in actualising your dreams of gaining weight.

4. Integrate palm oil I'm your meals:
Not only is palm oil packed with calories, it is also packed with saturated fats which helps in weight gain. Fournately, a whole lot of Nigerian foods are packed with these, just dive in!.

5. Soft drinks:
These will help in weight gain as they also contain calories. Try taking them at least once each day.

6. Fried foods:
These are also good source of weight gain. Consuming fried chicken, yam, potatoes and etc,  do help in weight gain. Aside this, they give a good eating experience. Avoid baked foods.

7. White rice:
They are known for high calories content. Consuming them helps you to Gain Weight quickly. However, endeavor to avoid brown rice.

8. White bread:
White bread also has a record of increased weight gain for people. You could also combine the bread with other foods to give you a nice eating experience.

9. Milk:
Milk are really good in weight gain. Consume at least a glass each day.

10. Egg:
Taking this with milk is really effective. However, frying it still works. You could use it for egg sauce too.  There are various methods of ingesting eggs, you could ask slizzed for help. You should take this atleast 3 times a week to Gain Weight real quick.

Well, for now that's all. The above mentioned foods could be combined to get a higher weight gain rate. You could contact us for help on our Facebook page ( just type slizzed), it's an educational page. Alternatively, you could use the comment box. Slizzed is always happy to help out!.

How to make money online by selling stuffs online (8 easy steps).

Online sales

Here's another tip off to generate some cash for yourself online. Selling stuffs you no longer find valuable is another way, after all, it's just wasting at home.

1. Find items that you'll sell:
Find a day and clean up the house. This will help you identify and categories items you no longer need. Categorizing them helps to boost sales.
(a). Clothing
(b). Jewelry
(c). Mobile phones etc.

2. Open sellers account:
Now it's time to locate and sign up with your host. Create a sellers account on ebay, Amazon, Craigslist, just find and pick one that works best for you. You get paid with your PayPal account, using cheque works too. However it depends on your location.

3. Learn the selling guidelines:
Not all goods are permitted for sells in these sites. Take for instance, alcohol, weapons and other dangerous things aren't permitted for sales. So, you've got read these sites guidelines to know their rules.

4. Research prices of similar items with yours:
You wouldn't want to have your goods being too costly. Keeping things at a minimal rate is best for sales. If the cost of your items are too high, people won't buy. That's why you've got research for their prices so you'll know how to pick your prices and still be on track.

5. Consider selling in lots:
Selling in lots has a greater chance of success compared to single sales. A lot is a collection of similar items that is sold in a group. You should try giving this step a try.

6. Give a description of the item you intend on selling:
This helps gives the buyer a better description of the item they intend on buying. Since they can't see the item in person, giving description helps them understand what they want to buy. This will help improve your sells.

7. Include quality images of the item:
Just like the step above, it helps the buyer know what they want to buy. Try taking pictures of the item from different angles, it'll sure improve your sells.

8. Provide excellent customer service:
Customers tend to engage in business with sellers who are friendly. This includes quickly giving replies to their questions and in a friendly way too. It helps build a relationship between the both of you thereby promoting and giving way for transaction.

Use the comment box in case of any questions. Slizzed is always happy to help out!. 

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

How to make money online by creating a website (5 simple steps).

Click here to view my post on how to make money online by completing task. Although this particular post is about making money online, it's quite different from the latter. Read on!

1. Understand a niche website:
Niche website is all about publishing interesting contents on a particular niche. You should get at least 1,000 to 10,000 visitors per month. You get paid by advertising using adsense or other affiliate links. It's exactly what I'm doing. So, if you've got any issues use the comment box. I'll be happy to help you out.

2. Choose a profitable:
You should also note you shouldn't just rush into trending niche. Slizzed advices you pick something your interested in, doing this will help you to be consistent in your uploads. Picking something you ain't interested in will only lead to you dropping the site or blog. Use a keyword research tool to check for keywords in your niche.
set up site

3. Set up the site:
Next, look for suitable hosting sites. They'll help you connect to the Internet. Good Web hosting sources are WordPress, blogger etc.
create post

4. Create contents:
Here's where the niche you picked comes into play. Start writing post, make sure they are unique and authentic. Pirating isn't permitted. Use market sumari to help you search for trending words for your niche.

5. Monetize your site:
There are different option for monetizing your site. Using adsense works pretty well, all you gotta do is place some codes on your site and when people click on them you get paid. You could also work with affiliate companies or sell advertising space on your site. You get paid for any.

As always, if you've got any issues use the comments box. Slizzed is always happy to help out!. 

Friday, 10 June 2016

How to make money online by completing task (3 legitimate ways).


Online money making has proved to be really helpful to many. Fortunately, I'm a benefactor, one thing I'll want you to know before venturing into this is, online money making is as stressful as making money offline. So, don't let anyone deceive you.
online surveys

1. Take surveys:
Taking surveys online can give you $50 to $100 per month. This is more like answering questions for companies who wants to know how consumers feel about their goods. You can find surveys sites by searching "paid survey sites" on Google.
Note: never pay to take surveys.

2. Test websites:
Here, you get to navigate through websites and perform certain task, after doing this you get paid at least $10. You should note that evidence most be given to them before payments. These are examples of sites that do website testing.
(a). Usertesting
(b). Whatusersdo
(c). Userlytics
(d). Userfeel
(e). Youeye
online tutor

3. Tutor students:
You get to teach people here or most times help people with their assignments. However, teaching from the comfort of your home is worth the try. Sites that hire online tutors include:
(c). EduWizards
(d). Aim4a
(e). Brainfuse

How to get a bigger ass (2 steps).


Getting a huge Butt is every girls dream. You shouldn't feel weird about wanting it too. This 2 step guide has proven really helpful to other ladies just like you, so feel free to ask questions. Getting half baked info won't be of any help. Just be true to your self hun!.

ass exercises

1. Exercise:
You may not want to hear this but the truth is, you need them. To build up any part of your body, you just need to exercise. Come on, you need to give something to take something, luckily in this context, exercising is all you need to get a huge butt. So, just stick to it. Here are a list of exercises that works pretty well in developing your butt.
(a). Do cardio.
(b). Do squats.
(c). Do deadlifts
(d). Do front lunges and reverse lunges
(e). Do leg raises to work your outer glutes.
(f). Do kickbacks.
Endeavor to get enough rest after these exercises.

Slizzed is aware of the fact that reading long articles are really discouraging, so, if you wish to know how to do a particular exercise listed above , use the comment box!.

lean protein

1. Don't eat too much protein:
I specified, "too much", cause your body still needs them. You may hear a whole lot of people saying, taking protein in large amounts is really good in giving you a huge butt. Sweetheart, this is a myth. Research shows,
(a). For women, two servings of protein for a total of 6 ounces (170g) is plenty.
(b). For teenage boys and active men, get 3 servings or 7 ounces (198g)of protein, it'll give them everything they need to grow and develop properly.

2. Change your carbs intake:
Say no to white refined sugar. Rather, you should take more of brown rice, lentils and beans. They help cut out fat around your midsection making your butt more prominent.

3. Increase your calorie intake:
Wait, this is based on your body type. If you tend to have more fat around your hip and butt then proceed with this plan, it helps in making your butt bigger. However, if your body type is designed to have more fat around your midsection, hands, stomachs and legs then it's a no-no to this step. You should rather, try losing weight and reducing your calorie intake, it'll reduce the fat and make your butt more prominent.

Was this post helpful?. Slizzed is always happy to help out!.

Thursday, 9 June 2016

How to get more likes on Facebook (5 steps).

how to get likes

We are want to get more likes on Facebook!. Opening this post alone verifies this. Here are some tips you'll need to keep in mind while posting something in order to get more likes.

1. Use more of pictures:
Research shows that pictures tend to get,
(a). 53% more likes
(b). 104% more comments and
(c). 83% more click-throughs.
So, in conclusion, ensure you integrate pictures into your post, it'll attract more likes.

2. Reduce the size of your post:
Post with characteristics or words which are 80 or less tends to attract more post engagement(likes and comments). No one likes to read too long text. Try and keep things short and straight to the point.

3. Ask questions through your post:
Post that Ask questions has proved to attract 100% more comments  that those that are just there. This should be enough reason to remodel your post into a question format. It forces words into peoples mouth.


1. Time to post:
There isn't any particular time slizzed can say you should drop a post. This is because the time your friends are active differs with another person's. However, according to slizzed statistics, 3pm works well. Just test and see which works best for you.

news feed

2. Day of the week:
You should notice which Day has the highest activity, "use your news feeds". Slizzed statistics shows wednesday is really active. Just be observant, you'll know which Day is best to drop a post. Slizzed suggest you go for days with less activity, it reduces the competition.

Well, I'm done, was the post helping?. If No, what's the issue?.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

How to download videos on YouTube ( Android smartphone and tablets).

smart phone

We couldn't find any app on Google play that'll be helpful. However, we did find one from a third party download site. It's called Tubemate. The steps here are to direct you on how to locate and download this app on your Android device successful, how to use it to download videos on YouTube is inclusive too.

1. Visit, now visit one of the verified download sites. We are using Android freeware.

2. Install the app by clicking the install button.

3. A warning will appear saying the file your about to download may harm your device, click OK to this, trust me, your in safe hands!.

4. Once download has been completed, open the file.

5. You will get an "installation blocked" message if your settings is set to block downloads from unknown sources, that's not from Google play store. To undo this:
(a). Go to settings
(b). Click on security
(c). Scroll and locate "unknown sources", now click and check the box.
(d). Now your ready.

6. Go back and open the file then click install.

7. Once the file has been successfully installed, click on it. If you accept to the terms of service click on the box. If you don't, well, you'll need to look out for our next post.

8. Locate the green down button in the Tubemate app just at the top of the screen. Do this for the video you intend on downloading only!.

9. After clicking the green download button, some options will appear. Click the video format you want, i.e mp4,3gp etc. You could also pick audio if you want the audio only.

10. Once the video type or format has been selected, click the green download button.

11. However, if your promoted to download mp3 video converter, follow the link and download the app then redo the steps above.

12. Once download is complete, you can access it at your gallery or your download screen in the Tubemate app.

For any inconveniencs, use the comment box. Slizzed is also happy to help out!. 

How to download videos on YouTube (apple iPad and iPhones).

YouTube videos

If you've been finding movie downloads on YouTube quite challenging. It's your lucky day, this post will help you resolve that issue.

1. Download Document 5:
Search in the app store for an app called Document 5. Check in the search results for the app. Now click on it and download. If you've got any issues identify the app, use the comment box for questions.

2. Open app:
After the document 5 app has been successfully installed. Open the app, it will be titled "documents".

3. Open safari browser:
At the bottom right corner of the app you'll see a compass-like icon. Click on it (it's safari browser).

4. In the address bar located at the top of the page, type, now click Go.

5. Press the home button

6. Visit on the safari browser or use the YouTube app.

7. Locate the video you intend on downloading, now, click the share button (an arrow pointing right).

8. When the share video Windows appears. Click and hold the url (link). A list of options will appear, click the copy url option.

9. Click the home button again and then locate and open the document 5 app.

10. In the enter url space located at the top of the page, press and hold that space till the paste option appears. Now click on it. The YouTube video link will be pasted in the space.

11. Click the blue go button or box, it's located just beside the enter url space at the top of the page.

12. A green download button will appear. Locate the drop list and select the preferred video format. E.g Mp4, 3gp etc.

13. Next, a save file will appear, input the desired name for the file and tap done.

14. The video will now start downloading. To view progress,tap the download button at the bottom right of the screen.

15. Once download is completed, tap the video file in order to redirect you to the download screen.

16. Drag the video file to the drag here icon at the top left of the screen. To do this, press and hold the file then drag it there.

17. Continue holding the video file and drag it to the photos folder.

18. Continue holding the file and drag it to camera roll.
 Note: Release the finger on the folder and don't hold the finger over the folder for too long or you'll end up opening the video file and when this happens, the video will not be copied or saved.

Endeavor to share all progress and challenges. Slizzed is always happy to help you out!.

How to see in the dark.

dark room

Not everyone may see this post relevant. Anyways, no knowledge is a waste!. Trust me, what you'll learn here will definitely come into play someday. Read on!.

1. Use your peripheral vision:
To see better in the dark, avert your eyes and look at what you intend on seeing slightly. Try not to look at things directly!.

2. Be a pirate:
When next in the dark, use one of your hands to cover one of your eye while looking slightly with the other one.

3. Use sunglasses more often:
Being exposed to too much light reduces your tendency of seeing better in the dark. Endeavor to put on your Sunglasses under a great amount of light. However, having too little exposure isn't good too. Try keeping things at an optimum level.

4. Practice:
Try staying in dark places more often, it helps train your night vision. However don't do this too much. Too much of anything isn't good you know!.

5. Try moving and locating things:
This is similar to step 4, but here you get to move. To do this:
(a). Make sure your two legs are firm on the ground.
(b). Put one ahead of you, this will help you detect objects below your hands reach.
(c). Put your two hands ahead of you and try searching for any object in front of you.
(d). Take time and move, don't move too fast.

6. Try moving your eyes:
Don't keep your eyes staring at a particular object. Moving them helps you see better.

7. Give yourself time:
Your eyes won't immediately adapt to a dark environment. Give yourself atleast 25minutes Minutes. Do this while keeping your eyes closed. When next you open them, you'll see better. The 25minutes is to help your eyes adapt to the dark.

8. Use red light:
If you need to see something but still wish to retain your night vision. It's best you use a red light. This doesn't affect your rods.

9. Avoid bright light:
Bright lights makes you loose your night vision. So, try as much as possible to avoid your eyes coming in contact with any source of bright light.

10. Avoid smoking:
Just know they make seeing at night more difficult for you. Stay off them!.

11. Your diet:
You may find seeing at night difficult cause your deficient of something. Try taking some bilberry jam, a little of sugar and some eye vitamin drugs. Slizzed advices you seek your doctor's consent before embarking on this.

Well, that's it. If you've got any questions, use the comments box. Slizzed is always happy to help you out!.

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

How to make yourself fall asleep (2 ways).

How to fall asleep

Most people regard sleeping as something really easy to do. However,not everyone sees it this way, I'm sure you'll agree with me. Well, that's not what brought you here. How to make your self feel sleepy right?. Here are some tips that'll be of good help to you.
Happy man

1. Make a sleep schedule:
Let your body know when it's best to sleep. Your body is more like a robot, it does what it is programmed to do. Just pick a comfortable sleep time, make sure you adhere to them and your body will automatically go off when it's time making you fall asleep.

2. Read a book:
It may happen that you don't feel sleepy immediately, reading a book would help. Slizzed recommends something your less interested in, reading something you love will end up keeping you awake. Just make sure it's a book you don't love so much.
Lights on

3. Turn of the lights:
Having the lights on in the room only makes your brain inform your body to stay awake (hypothalamus). So, doing the opposite will make your brain inform your body to sleep right?. If you find it difficult to sleep, try putting off the lights!.
watching television

4. Avoid electronics:
Things like Televisions, radios, mobile phones and what's nut stand against having a quality sleep, greatly!. They also do the same thing as having the lights on. If you do end up sleeping off, you won't have a quality to sleep. Trust me!. Just avoid electronics, it's best.

5. Listen to ambient noise:
Ambient noise are considered white noise. People's white noise differs from the rest. For you it may be the sound from the fan, for another it may be sound of birds singing. Just find yours. It helps calm the brain down and induce sleep.
Vitamin d

6. Clear your mind:
The stress from the day's work can also make you find sleeping really hard. In this type of situation, try clearing your mind off those things, listening to white music as mentioned above would be helpful, just focus on the music played. Any other calm song would work too.

healthy couple

1. Exercise regularly:
Regular exercise do help you stay strong and fit. Also, you'll feel tired after observing it. That's where sleeping comes in. Endeavor to do regular exercise, it helps make you healthy and also makes sleeping easier at night.

2. Use the bathroom:
Clearing your system before going to bed helps you sleep fully throughout the night without waking up. You should also endeavor to avoid taking too much fluids before bed, waking up at the middle of the night is what you'll get as the payback.
felt comfortable

3. Make yourself comfortable:
Feeling comfortable is really important if you wish to sleep and do this blissfully. Wearing tight things only makes you stay up. Hence, if what your wearing is too tight or too big, don't wear them. Try and keep things at an optimum level. You'll sleep and be happy you did!.

4. Fix a sleeping posture:
The way you sleep is really important. Sleeping in a bad or wrong posture makes you wake up the next morning with your neck aching you or somewhere even worse. Find a good sleeping posture. This will make sleeping easier for you.

For any questions, use the comment box. 

Sunday, 5 June 2016

How to do your own makeup.

A whole lot of ladies have problems with doing their makeups. They may perform pretty well when doing their friend's, but for themselves it's disasterious. Here's a guide that'll help you become a pro at making up yourself.

1. Prepare your face for the makeup:
It's advisable before you begin a makeup. Try cleaning and moisturizing your face with cleansing water and cotton pads.

2. Finding and applying the right foundation:
When picking the foundation to use. Go for one that matches with your neck colour and not your face. Now, when you want to apply, use your fingers first and apply it gently round your face. Start from your nose area and move outwards.

3. Use concealer:
Put some concealer on your fingers and use brush to rub round under your eyes, on the chin, around the t-junction and on the nose.

4. Curl your lashes:
Start from the very root and move slowly to the end of your lashes.

5. Apply eyeshadow:
Use a brush and slowly apply the eyeshadow. Don't dab all at ones, take time and blend everything. Do this on the eye lids, both above and below.

6. Mascara:
Put a little bit of it on your fingers. Now, use a little brush to apply it on your face, your eyelash to be particular.

7. Eyebrows:
Use a mascara band, probably from an old makeup set. Now brush your eyebrow. Let them align properly.

8. Cheek:
Use a colour that blends with your face make up colour. Now pick a little cream blush or any other colour you want, tap it on your cheek and use a brush to blend.

9. Lips:
It's best you mix the colours to get exactly what you want. Rub the colours of your finger and mix. When you get the desired colour. Dab it on your lips and blend slowly.

Now, your done and ready. If you wish to make things a little darker. Just use colours thats aren't really shouty. Slizzed is always happy to help you out. If your still having problems, post your questions in the comment box. 

How to kiss better (for ladies).

kissing teanager

Hey ladies, been feeling like you can't kiss well?. Don't feel awkward about that. A whole lot of people think about this too. Anyways you need not worry about that anymore. Here are some tips that'll be really helpful.

1. Kiss him in public:
Do this when he less expects, it'll keep the scene on his mind for really long. Trust me!. If your the shy type, or you think he'll feel uncomfortable about that. Try pulling him into somewhere hidden and kiss him. Who doesn't love good surprises!.

2. Throw in a little bit of suspense:
When kissing him, try pulling his head backward, taking him away from your lips. After this, give him a sly smile. It makes him want more.

3. Try a little trick:
Now lean him down, use your upper lip and roll round his, to the corner of his lips too. I'm sure you'll love that right. Doing this will heat up things too.

4. Linger:
Now after the above step, finish up everything by curdling the back of his head. Give him a nice peck starting from his jawline down to his lip. Now, give him a deep kiss then withdraw immediately.

5. Seal the deal:
When leaving text him a smiley face with no message. This is just cool.

Slizzed gives you only what's best for you. So ladies, go give your guy a kiss that'll keep him thinking about you all day. Slizzed is always happy to help you out!. 

How to last longer when running.

Running fast is every runners dream. Not like it's hard to run fast, the real deal is, you just get tired. What I'm trying to say in essence is, if you learn how to run without getting tired then, eventually you'll learn how to run fast. Let's put it this way:
Endurance=speed. Well, it's why you opened this page at first right?. So let's get to business.
Running shoes

1. Have a running schedule:
The more you do something, the more your body adapts to it. So the more you practice running the more your body will stick to it. Make a running schedule for atleast 30 minutes, three to five times a week. You can make it longer if you wish.
Female running

2. Take things slowly:
When your about to start your training, don't rush. Start with jogging for atleast 20 minutes. Your just starting so, your body won't adapt immediately. You can add 10 minutes next time you go for your training. Just remember, you shouldn't rush things.
Beach side

3. Increase your running time:
After practicing step 2 above for like three weeks, your body should be able to adapt a little bit to the changes. When you become comfortable with 20 minutes, try increasing the time you run. 30 minutes, when comfortable, 40 minutes, and so on.

4. Don't exceed your comfort zone:
If the 30 minutes you just started running for is too much. Stop and rest for atleast 2 minutes then continue. The short break will help you regain strength.
calm down

5. Don't breath too much:
Breathing heavily makes you tired. Try breathing in bits, or puffs. Breath in for 5 seconds then exhale for 5 seconds. It helps keep you strong and calm to keep running.

6. Have short breaks:
Even if you aren't tired. You should stop and have a glass of glucose, it gives you energy. Also, stretching is helpful as it reduces your chances of having cramps.

7. Start running:
Now, it's time to start running. You should set 30 minutes for yourself. 20 minutes for running, them 10 for jogging. It helps reduces the stress. It balances your pulse rate too. When you've mastered 30 minutes, try 50 minutes, 30 minutes for running and 20 for jogging. The longer you can run the better.
Running up a hill

8. Run on hilly areas:
If your really tired, slizzed advices against this. However, if your not really tired, try running up Hills more often. This helps in strengthening your legs muscles.

If you've got any challenges with the above steps feel free to use the comment box. Slizzed is here to help you out.

How to hold your breath underwater.

Learning how to hold your breath is something that's just necessary, you never know where you'll need a particular skill. Read on, you'll learn a few things or more from this writeup.


1. Practice holding your breath: Lay down or sit upright with your knees. Try holding your breath for atleast 20seconds, try multiplying by 2. If things get too stuffy, don't overdo things, take it slowly till you get better. Do this when your out of water.

2. Relax your body:
Try training your body towards achieving a lower pulse rate, this is when your body uses less of oxygen. To achieve this, sit upright and try clearing your mind off extra thoughts and worries, this is more like meditation. While doing this try not to move, moving takes oxygen from you. If you want to attend a state of lower pulse then endeavor not to move.

3. Inhale slowing using your diaphragm:
When inhaling, you should feel your belly rise not your shoulders. Try inhaling for 5 seconds first, then multiply by two. If your wondering what a diaphragm is, reference the the image above this step.

4. Exhale a little:
Exhaling makes you get rid of the carbon dioxide in your body. This is usually formed when you Inhale oxygen. Exhale little puffs of oxygen, when doing this, you'll feel your body trying to exhale more. If then, your progressing. Keep on exhaling till you get rid of the carbon dioxide present in your body.

5. Practice step 3 and 4 more:
Each time your repeat this step, try going further by increasing your timing.


1. Breathe correctly before going underwater:
Here, what you learned earlier cones into play. Before entering the water, try breathing in and out slowly, for atleast 5 minutes. Do this while sitting at the shallow end of the pool or water body.
swimming girl

2. Go below the surface:
Before doing this, take a deep breath, if necessary hold your nose and mouth. It's much harder holding your breath underwater than on land. However, if your getting uncomfortable, relax and try again. Redoing the breathing exercise will help.

3. Try to resurfacing:
If step 2 above was successful. Try resurfacing, while doing this try releasing a little bit of oxygen, this helps you breath immediately you surface. You should try as much as possible not to panic, panicking may lead to accidents in water.

4. Try to move in water:
Doing this will use up oxygen. So, don't overdo things. If it passes your comfort zone, resurface and try things again.
diving woman

5. See how far you can go:
Measuring your progress with time isn't good. Get rid of that stopwatch, try swimming and see how far you can go. The longer the distance you cover, the better. You should also note how deep you can go. You'll need someone to help you out here.

When practicing the above steps, you should employ safety procedures like:
(a). Listening to your body:
 If you feel light-headed or your visions start to fade, resurface and catch your breath first before going back, if you want to. Don't risk your personal safety!.
(b). Have someone around you when you practice:
Practicing alone is dangerous. Find someone that'll be with you when your practicing. It's better that way.
(c). Practice in shallow areas:
This will help you catch your breath faster, if you need to. Going somewhere deep is not safe for you especially, now your still learning.

That's all you've gotta do to start holding your breath for long underwater. Goodluck with your swimming dream, from slizzed!. For any contributions or questions, use the comment box.

Saturday, 4 June 2016

How to fix a soft-bricked phone.

Most people tend to use the word, brick incorrectly. If your phone bricks, it means you can't do anything with it. That is, it won't even come on. So, if your phone does come on but keeps rebooting then, it's just in a booting loop (soft-brick). If this is your case, then this post is for you. Read on!.

1. Recovery settings or clockworkmod recovery:
If your phone has soft-bricked, all you gotta do is clear the phones cache. To do this, you'll need to off the phone first then power it on again. When powering it, hold the volume down button too. This should direct you to clockwork mode recovery, you'll know this as it will be the header of the pop up screen. You could references the image above to help you know what a clockwork mod recovery is, however, you should note that the comand for the clockworkmod recovery varies with different devices. Just place your device type at the comment box, slizzed will help you find out how to trigger clockworkmod recovery for your device.

2. Navigation:
Now after you've been directed to the clockworkmod recovery page, you'll need to navigate and click "wipe data/factory reset". You use the volume up and down to navigate either upwards or downward respectively. The power button is used to select a file.
To get to the "wipe data/factory reset" icon, follow these steps.
On the clockworkmod recovery page :
(a) . Find and click advanced.
(b) . Now click "wipe dalvik cache"
(c) . Next, click "wipe cache partition".
(d) . Finally, select "wipe data/factory reset".

3. Reboot phone:
After successfully reseting factory settings, you'll need to reboot your phone, most phones do this automatically. These steps should work well in taking your phone back to its proper working State. If it didn't, write phones model and state what your issue is, slizzed will help you solve this. Slizzed is always happy to help you out.

How to play a keyboard (the basics).

Learning how to play a keyboard may seem difficult. You've tried but it still seems like a big firewall. Well don't sweat it, after reading this post you'll definitely get better. Don't just be discouraged, read on!.


1. All keyboards have a single pattern.
(a). Three white keys enclosing two black keys.
(b). Four white keys enclosing three black keys.
 (c). You could also see it this way.
(i) Two black keys separated by one white key. Followed by, three black keys separated by a white then the two black keys again.
This arrangement makes up for the C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C pattern which all keyboards have. Just find the "C" key on the keyboard and you'll be able to manipulate it well. You could reference the image above if your having a problem understadding what is explained. However, if you don't still understand. Feel free to contact us for help using the comment box.
2. Understand the black keys:
The black keys names varies depending on what key you are in or the chord you are playing. Read what follows immediately, it'll help you understand the pattern.
(a). 1st black key in the group is C♯or D♭
(b). 2nd black key in the group is D♯or E♭
(c). 3rd black key in the group is F♯or G♭
(d). 4th black key in the group is G♯or A♭
(e). 5th black key in the group is A♯or B♭
To find the note of a black, go to the white key before it(from the left), use a sharp sign for it. Also, go to the white key before it (from the right), use a flat sign for it.

3. Finding the octave the note is in:
Start by finding the middle C. Click here to be redirected to the page you can learn this. Now, go down or up to reach your desired.

4. Learn what each note sounds like:
Like they say, practice make perfect. Endeavor to practice playing the keyboard, the steps above will help you understand the position of keys and how they are called. However, we can't teach you how they sound, that's your own role. Getting to know what each note sounds like helps you understand the keyboard better. It also goes a long way to help you know the position of keys without looking. So, play on!. Slizzed looks forward to your success.

Note: This guide is to help you understand the basics of a normal keyboard. Excluding the 88-keys keyboards and piano. A post will be written to tackle this later. Slizzed is always happy to help you out!. 

How to stop snoring.

Snoring is something that may be caused by varying factors. To put a stop to it, you need to find what type of snoring you've got, this will help address the disorder. Atleast 45% of adults suffer from this sleeping disorder. Stay pinned to this post to solve your own issues.


1. Identify what snoring disorder you've got:
There are different types of snoring disorders and simultaneously there are specific treatments for them. Hence, you'll need to identify which you've got in other to tackle it. Types of sleeping disorders are:
(a). Closed mouth snoring:
 For this type of disorder, your tongue is the cause. Some exercises and lifestyle changes could address this issue.
(b). Open mouth snoring:
Your sleeping posture and sinus trouble can cause this, changing your sleeping posture and addressing your sinus problem would solve this issue.
(c). If after changing posture you still snore then, you'll need a more substantial treatment as it may indicate apnea.

2. Avoid snores causing factors:
Things like alcohols, sleeping pills, fatty foods and coffee has been proven to cause snoring. Also, losing weight can help stop snoring. Try and stop smoking if you do. Sticking to the above step will help put a stop to your snores.

3. Sleep in a more humid room:
Dry rooms makes your throat irritated thereby resulting I'm snores. Using humidifiers can help reduce the dryness of air. You could also try having a warm bath before going to bed. This helps keep your throat moistured and stopping the snores.

4. Try and strengthen your throat:
Singing can help make your throat open up. Having a relaxed throat makes it close up, this makes breathing a little tough, causing snoring. Another exercise that can help strengthen your throat is didgeridoo. To do this, tick your tongue out and try reaching for something, now release. Repeat this for 10-15 times.

All contributions are accepted, if this guide proved helpful. Encourage others to practice it too. Slizzed is always happy to help you out!.

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