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Saturday, 4 June 2016

How to stop snoring.

Snoring is something that may be caused by varying factors. To put a stop to it, you need to find what type of snoring you've got, this will help address the disorder. Atleast 45% of adults suffer from this sleeping disorder. Stay pinned to this post to solve your own issues.


1. Identify what snoring disorder you've got:
There are different types of snoring disorders and simultaneously there are specific treatments for them. Hence, you'll need to identify which you've got in other to tackle it. Types of sleeping disorders are:
(a). Closed mouth snoring:
 For this type of disorder, your tongue is the cause. Some exercises and lifestyle changes could address this issue.
(b). Open mouth snoring:
Your sleeping posture and sinus trouble can cause this, changing your sleeping posture and addressing your sinus problem would solve this issue.
(c). If after changing posture you still snore then, you'll need a more substantial treatment as it may indicate apnea.

2. Avoid snores causing factors:
Things like alcohols, sleeping pills, fatty foods and coffee has been proven to cause snoring. Also, losing weight can help stop snoring. Try and stop smoking if you do. Sticking to the above step will help put a stop to your snores.

3. Sleep in a more humid room:
Dry rooms makes your throat irritated thereby resulting I'm snores. Using humidifiers can help reduce the dryness of air. You could also try having a warm bath before going to bed. This helps keep your throat moistured and stopping the snores.

4. Try and strengthen your throat:
Singing can help make your throat open up. Having a relaxed throat makes it close up, this makes breathing a little tough, causing snoring. Another exercise that can help strengthen your throat is didgeridoo. To do this, tick your tongue out and try reaching for something, now release. Repeat this for 10-15 times.

All contributions are accepted, if this guide proved helpful. Encourage others to practice it too. Slizzed is always happy to help you out!.

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