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Wednesday, 1 June 2016

How to Write a Last Minute Essay

Most times we do get so busy we neglect our assignments only to remember at die minutes. Slizzed is dedicated with helping you guys with issues like this. Learn how to right your essay real quick and be saved from the embarrassment!.


1. Get rid of distractions:
Distractions makes your brain confused. At this time, thinking becomes really difficult for you. Things like TV, radios even your mobile devices are considered distractions. In order for you to concentrate properly and make good use of your brain, you'll need to detach yourself from all forms of distractions.

2. Arrange your reading space for the write-up:
Endeavor to make space on your reading table. This clears your mind too for writing.
Having a table full of snacks or books on different subject matters will get you distracted, or probably seeing insects everywhere may make you irritated and distracted too. Cleaning up your workspace makes it much easier for your brain to work. Note, you shouldn't do too much of a cleaning cause, you may become tired and end up procrastinating.

3. Gather the resources you'll need:
Your textbooks, notes, articles and most importantly, your dictionary are good things to use while righting your essays. So make sure you've got them in close range before you start your writeup. Leaving the table in search of these materials may make you distracted.

4. Try to focus:
Even after getting all these things I've mentioned above. You may still not succeed in writing your essay mainly cause your aren't concentrating. When deep down, your babbling about how much time you don't have, concentrating will be impossible. So, take a deep breath and try to focus on the essay your are about to write. Motivate yourself so you could finish the write-up. Setting out a reward for yourself when your done writing the essay is really helpful. Maybe that new game your dad bought for you. Ensure you time yourself too.

5. Don't make yourself comfortable if your writing at night:
This post is about helping you write your essay during the last minute. Definitely, night may be that last minute. I'll give you some tips that'll help you write successfully even at night.
(a). Take a cup of coffee, since it contains caffeine, it'll help keep you awake. However, don't take too much of it.
(b). Don't seat in a comfortable condition, this can make you sleep off. Using your reading table will make you focus more and drive off the sleep compared to when your on bed and in pyjamas.
(c). Exercising a little is of great help too, a few push-ups would work pretty well.
(d). Make sure you cover up for the time you've been awake. You'll be tired and inactive the next day if you don't.


1. Read the assignment and understand it first:
A whole lot of students do fail their assignments not because they didn't do it but, they wrote the wrong thing. Mixing up a topic will only get you failing the whole assignment. Endeavor to read the question first, then adhere to the instructions, that's the length of the essay and other things before you begin your writeup.

2. Make an outline:
This is really important, it helps you stay on track and also write faster and in an organized way too. Create an outline for the essay topic and write following the outline. You shouldn't spend too much time doing this.


1. Create your main points:
Essay topics are usually given in order to answer a question. Beating around the Bush will only get you scoring poor in your assignment. So when writing your essay, consider what your main points will be, does it answer your essay questions?. If yes, then proceed.

2. Formulate an arguable thesis:
You should write this down when writing down your outline. Writing on a thesis that is too obvious won't get you scoring that high. Just access the thesis, something to back up your points but make it a little bit arguable. This is where your research materials comes in.

3. Make your thesis in agreement with your essay topic:
If your thesis doesnt fit in with your essay topic, your work will definitely be in vain. Like I said earlier, access your thesis and make sure it's in conjunction with your essay topic.


1. Start with introduction:
Keep your introduction smooth, interesting and clear, this is really important. If your introduction is all messed up, getting your reader to read the essay will be difficult. Although they say, don't judge a book by its cover, common, if we are being sincere with our selves. You just don't have any choice. If your introduction is interesting the reader will be interested in your essay and then finish the reading. Keep things cool, it's just your first writeup you can make some changes later.

2. Follow the outline you made:
Those outlines you made weren't just for nothing. Here's the time you'll need it. When you pick a particular outline, ponder on it and write encapsulating the points you made in the outline. You shouldn't leave the path of the outline or you'll get everything mixed up.

3. Don't get confused about what word to use:
If your confused about what word to use. Just pick one and move on, when you get back to it. You'll know if you should change it or not.

4. Site your references:
If you made a quote from somewhere maybe Shakespeare's piece, ensure you make references to it. This eliminates plagiarism (copying of another person's work). If you don't do this, your reader may penalize you.

5. Observe short breaks:
Writing for 3hrs straight may get your brain saturated. Endeavor to give your brain some rest, it deserves it. Having a drink or snack would do. You should not engage in things that will get you distracted. Make the break short, you don't want to be distracted!.


1. Reevaluate your essay:
This is really important, you may finish drafting the essay and think your all set, No. After the draft, ensure you review your essay. You may not know what you missed out on what you can add. You need to also check how your points are arranged, are they OK?. If yes, you may proceed. Another way to do this is, focusing on the main points of your essay using the main points you made. It makes you spot mistakes faster.

2. Proofread your work:
This step is to help you sort out some misspellings. You could get a friend to help you do this while you read out loud for him or her. Also, use of spellings and grammar checkers on electronic devices would help too, as they are faster and much easier to use.

3. Submit your essay:
Now your done, make sure the essay you'll summit is neat and clean. Submitting a disorganized work can make you loose some credits. Make sure your work is neat and tidy and also in the right format before you submit.

Goodluck in your essay. For any questions or contributions, drop them in the comment box at the end of this post. Slizzed is always happy to help you out!. 

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