Getting money from your dad do seem to be really stressy and difficult for you?. Well, don't sweat it, these simple guide will change that fact. Read on!.
1. Prepare a convincing explanation for him.
2. Have enough reasons to backup your request. This is because he'll sure ask you some questions.
3. Find out the exact cost of what your telling him you want to get. Now add some extra amount to it. Be sure it's not cumbersome as he may suspect.
4. Be willing to negotiate with him. Being fixed with you request may annoy him. So, that's why you need to add extra cost so when you negotiate it'll still be profitable.
5. Find something you'll do to make him happy before dropping your request. Washing the car that morning is ok for starters!.
6. Be sure to be polite. Don't be rude when asking, unless you don't want to get anything from him.
7. Be active with your school work. Make sure he notices when your doing your assignments and when your reading too.
8. Always do things that'll make your dad happy.
If you've got the questions, use the comment box. Slizzed is always happy to help out!.