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Friday, 17 June 2016

How to lose weight with Nigerian dishes.

weight loss

Just as others are interested in weight gain, weight loss is also considered important by many too. These are a few steps you should stick to in order to help you complete your journey of weight lose.

1. Eat less of carbohydrates:
Carbohydrate rich foods are known for high calorie content which results in weight gain. Therefore, taking less of it will reduce the calorie content in your body thereby reducing your weight gain. Just endeavor to eat less of carbohydrates, there are still important for your body so you've got to take them still but make sure it's in a regulated amount.

2. Consume less of Palm oil:
Palm oil too are also good sources of calorie. Try avoiding it as it'll make you gain weight.

3. Consume less of salt (maggi):
You should note that salt is not directly involved in weight gain or loss. However, where it comes into play is, retention of water in the body. Salt makes water lose in the body difficult thereby accumulating water in your body and making you thick. This isn't your goal, seasonings like Maggi, knorr etc are reach in Salt therefore  minimize the amount you consume. It'll help facilitate your weight loss goals.

4. Consume less of drinks:
These drinks are rich in carbohydrates. This means high calorie, as you know already, calorie causes weight gain. Since you wish to loss weight instead,  you should watch the things you drink and the quantity too!.

5. Consume less of red meat:
Red meat are also high in calorie. Therefore, consuming it works against your dream. I'm aware that it'll be sure tough for you to do this hence, slizzed recommends goat meat as it's less in calorie content compared to other meats. Make sure you cut of the excess fat before consuming it.

6. Avoid deep fried foods:
Consuming oven baked or oven fried foods is best for you. Consuming deep fried foods will only result in Making you fat.

7. Avoid high calorie snacks:
These snacks tends to be really nice and irresistible. Well, you've still got to fight the urge. Snacks like lacasera, gala, hollandia yoghurt and many more should be avoided greatly. Check the snacks pack for the calorie content. Take snacks that have less or no calorie content to achieve your goal real quick.

8. Consume more of spicy foods:
This guide is to help reduce your rate of consumption. If you eat too fast you'll end up consuming more than you wanted and you'll definitely get fat.

9. Consume more of fibre:
This is similar to the above step. This step makes you full much quicker and stay this way for long. This means less eating which equals weight lose.

10. Exercising:
Despite the above steps which is food centered. Exercising is of great importance when it comes to weight lose. You could walk for at least 30 minutes, jog for similar minutes works well too. They help in burning fat. Don't fail to exercise, remember it's really important.

I know things may be tough at first but don't loss hope. If you've got any issues feel free to ask. Slizzed is always happy to help out!.

How to Gain Weight Fast for Nigerians.

How to Gain Weight for Africans

People find gaining of weight pretty difficult. To me, I believe it's cause your eating the wrong kinds of food. Well, that wouldn't be an issue anymore after reading this post. Here's a breakdown list of African (Nigerian) foods that'll work pretty well in Making you gain weight pretty fast. Make sure you stick to them!.

1. Endeavor to take more of solid foods:
Foods like pounded yam, amala, egusi etc, has proved to perform greatly in getting people fat. These foods are called solid foods. This is because of the high calories they've got, avoid wheat meals as they do the opposite of the latter. Endeavor to consume adequate amounts of these foods. Trust me, you'll  add up some weight in no time.

2. Consume enough noodles:
These are foods like spaghetti, indomie, macaroni and many more. They are made from flour therefore they contain calories. The greater the amount you consume the better, just suit up dear.

3. Eat snacks:
Snacks also come packed with great amounts of calories. Endeavor to consume them, they'll definitely help in actualising your dreams of gaining weight.

4. Integrate palm oil I'm your meals:
Not only is palm oil packed with calories, it is also packed with saturated fats which helps in weight gain. Fournately, a whole lot of Nigerian foods are packed with these, just dive in!.

5. Soft drinks:
These will help in weight gain as they also contain calories. Try taking them at least once each day.

6. Fried foods:
These are also good source of weight gain. Consuming fried chicken, yam, potatoes and etc,  do help in weight gain. Aside this, they give a good eating experience. Avoid baked foods.

7. White rice:
They are known for high calories content. Consuming them helps you to Gain Weight quickly. However, endeavor to avoid brown rice.

8. White bread:
White bread also has a record of increased weight gain for people. You could also combine the bread with other foods to give you a nice eating experience.

9. Milk:
Milk are really good in weight gain. Consume at least a glass each day.

10. Egg:
Taking this with milk is really effective. However, frying it still works. You could use it for egg sauce too.  There are various methods of ingesting eggs, you could ask slizzed for help. You should take this atleast 3 times a week to Gain Weight real quick.

Well, for now that's all. The above mentioned foods could be combined to get a higher weight gain rate. You could contact us for help on our Facebook page ( just type slizzed), it's an educational page. Alternatively, you could use the comment box. Slizzed is always happy to help out!.

How to make money online by selling stuffs online (8 easy steps).

Online sales

Here's another tip off to generate some cash for yourself online. Selling stuffs you no longer find valuable is another way, after all, it's just wasting at home.

1. Find items that you'll sell:
Find a day and clean up the house. This will help you identify and categories items you no longer need. Categorizing them helps to boost sales.
(a). Clothing
(b). Jewelry
(c). Mobile phones etc.

2. Open sellers account:
Now it's time to locate and sign up with your host. Create a sellers account on ebay, Amazon, Craigslist, just find and pick one that works best for you. You get paid with your PayPal account, using cheque works too. However it depends on your location.

3. Learn the selling guidelines:
Not all goods are permitted for sells in these sites. Take for instance, alcohol, weapons and other dangerous things aren't permitted for sales. So, you've got read these sites guidelines to know their rules.

4. Research prices of similar items with yours:
You wouldn't want to have your goods being too costly. Keeping things at a minimal rate is best for sales. If the cost of your items are too high, people won't buy. That's why you've got research for their prices so you'll know how to pick your prices and still be on track.

5. Consider selling in lots:
Selling in lots has a greater chance of success compared to single sales. A lot is a collection of similar items that is sold in a group. You should try giving this step a try.

6. Give a description of the item you intend on selling:
This helps gives the buyer a better description of the item they intend on buying. Since they can't see the item in person, giving description helps them understand what they want to buy. This will help improve your sells.

7. Include quality images of the item:
Just like the step above, it helps the buyer know what they want to buy. Try taking pictures of the item from different angles, it'll sure improve your sells.

8. Provide excellent customer service:
Customers tend to engage in business with sellers who are friendly. This includes quickly giving replies to their questions and in a friendly way too. It helps build a relationship between the both of you thereby promoting and giving way for transaction.

Use the comment box in case of any questions. Slizzed is always happy to help out!. 

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