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Tuesday, 7 June 2016

How to make yourself fall asleep (2 ways).

How to fall asleep

Most people regard sleeping as something really easy to do. However,not everyone sees it this way, I'm sure you'll agree with me. Well, that's not what brought you here. How to make your self feel sleepy right?. Here are some tips that'll be of good help to you.
Happy man

1. Make a sleep schedule:
Let your body know when it's best to sleep. Your body is more like a robot, it does what it is programmed to do. Just pick a comfortable sleep time, make sure you adhere to them and your body will automatically go off when it's time making you fall asleep.

2. Read a book:
It may happen that you don't feel sleepy immediately, reading a book would help. Slizzed recommends something your less interested in, reading something you love will end up keeping you awake. Just make sure it's a book you don't love so much.
Lights on

3. Turn of the lights:
Having the lights on in the room only makes your brain inform your body to stay awake (hypothalamus). So, doing the opposite will make your brain inform your body to sleep right?. If you find it difficult to sleep, try putting off the lights!.
watching television

4. Avoid electronics:
Things like Televisions, radios, mobile phones and what's nut stand against having a quality sleep, greatly!. They also do the same thing as having the lights on. If you do end up sleeping off, you won't have a quality to sleep. Trust me!. Just avoid electronics, it's best.

5. Listen to ambient noise:
Ambient noise are considered white noise. People's white noise differs from the rest. For you it may be the sound from the fan, for another it may be sound of birds singing. Just find yours. It helps calm the brain down and induce sleep.
Vitamin d

6. Clear your mind:
The stress from the day's work can also make you find sleeping really hard. In this type of situation, try clearing your mind off those things, listening to white music as mentioned above would be helpful, just focus on the music played. Any other calm song would work too.

healthy couple

1. Exercise regularly:
Regular exercise do help you stay strong and fit. Also, you'll feel tired after observing it. That's where sleeping comes in. Endeavor to do regular exercise, it helps make you healthy and also makes sleeping easier at night.

2. Use the bathroom:
Clearing your system before going to bed helps you sleep fully throughout the night without waking up. You should also endeavor to avoid taking too much fluids before bed, waking up at the middle of the night is what you'll get as the payback.
felt comfortable

3. Make yourself comfortable:
Feeling comfortable is really important if you wish to sleep and do this blissfully. Wearing tight things only makes you stay up. Hence, if what your wearing is too tight or too big, don't wear them. Try and keep things at an optimum level. You'll sleep and be happy you did!.

4. Fix a sleeping posture:
The way you sleep is really important. Sleeping in a bad or wrong posture makes you wake up the next morning with your neck aching you or somewhere even worse. Find a good sleeping posture. This will make sleeping easier for you.

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