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Monday, 23 May 2016

How to make your battery last longer.

Everyone now uses a mobile phone, dumping the old land line system. Yeah, it's pretty much a piece of cake moving with mobile phones right?. Not just that, with other programs and features it's got, social networks, Google and all what nuts, you know them. These phones seem to be increasing rapidly in its features and use. So, what the heck, why kill yourself with a land line!.

Life isn't a bed of roses right?. So, even with these privileges, they'll definitely have their own problems too. Weak batteries is one of them, fortunately they've been proven ways to put a stop to that problem and slizzed is happy to share it with you.


1. Switch of your phone:
Just your phone being on drains battery, your phone searches for close by networks and this act only consumes battery. Add this to the background apps too, then you'll have your phone running off within an hour or so. Keeping your phone off while charging it helps to make the charging faster and not just that, it also makes your battery last longer. Note: you should only do this when you don't plan on using the phone for those few hours. Slizzed wouldn't be happy if you miss any important calls or text.

2. Don't search for signal:
If your in an area with no reception, I'd advice you put your phone in airplane mood. Like I mentioned earlier, when phones search for signals it drains it's battery. However, if you're expecting a call or something, or you wish to use the phone later. Getting a cell repeater would be really helpful. A cell repeater's job is to amplify your receptions service to give you a signal anywhere. This will prevent your phone from searching for reception and with this, it's serving it's energy too.

3. Don't let your phone run till its dead:
Lithium-based batteries are quite different from nickel-based batteries. It's ok if you let your nickel-based rechargeable batteries run off, you can simply recharge it and everything's good. Well it's not easy getting them low at the first place. Lithium-based batteries is what present phones uses and, it's not ok letting it run till its dead. Doing this will damage your battery. Slizzed suggest you use the battery less and more of charging, this will prolong your batteries life.

4. Turn off the phones vibration, use ring tones instead:
You would agree with slizzed, phones use a lot of battery to vibrate. Hold your phone while it's vibrating, it even has enough energy to make your whole hand vibrate. Creating this much vibration isn't easy at all. So to serve battery, keep the ringtone as low as possible and the vibration off.

5. Use less of your phones features:
Your out for a trip and you forget your car charger home, yet you don't want your phone to go off cause your expecting some important calls. Using your phones Internet connection, taking pictures or using flashlights ain't helping the case at all. If you know your next charging time is far. Try minimizing the features you use.

6. Use black backgrounds:
If possible, use black backgrounds instead of white. It takes much more energy to display a white screen. Conserve your battery by using black backgrounds. Apps like blackl have this feature. It displays a black background for Google instead of white too.

7. Use GSM rather than 3G:
GSM also known as 2G is a network which usually displays "E+" at your network bar when data connection is on. The other, 3G displays "H+". 3G consumes battery too since it's composed of two different networks. That's 2G and itself combined. You could check your phones spec, when comparing 2G and 3G in term of battery life, 3G usually consumes 50% more. So, you'd rather use 2G instead.

8. Don't leave your Bluetooth on:
Bluetooth also drains battery. Try using it less. Switching it off immediately when not in use is better.

9. Don't make too long calls:
You were trying to make some findings about something you find really important on Google then, suddenly a call comes in. It's best you talk less if you don't want your phone getting off on you while making your findings. So try as much as possible to keep your calls short if you want to make your battery last longer.

10. Keep features like GPS, infrared capabilities and WiFi off:
These features in most phones are inbuilt, normally. They also drain battery when in use. So, if your not in need of them, just keep them off. It's best for you.

11. Reduce your phones brightness:
This case is similar to having black backgrounds. Keeping your phones brightness at its peak or even high a little consumes battery. Infact, just having your phone on drains battery. But, how will I reduce it right?. Most phones have in built feature of reducing it's brightness. Just use it wisely!.

12. Avoid animated pictures or videos for background:
They are moving and thats work, imagine yourself walking to and fro a particular distance for over an hour. That's a whole lot of stress right?. It's same with your phone. Those things moving inside it is taking its energy. So avoid animated photos or videos for a longer battery.

13. Switch off your backlight:
Backlight helps you see in dark places or where it's too bright. They too drain battery, but if your in place you can see clearly or where your not using your phone, why not turn off the Backlight. In some phones, doing this is possible, while in some all you get to do is reduce how long it can stay on. Choosing one or two seconds is sufficient.


1. New batteries :
When you get a new battery ensure you charge it before use. It helps prolong battery life. A new nickel-based battery in normal circumstances is expected to be charge for 5-6hrs straight for it to get full while nickel-based is 16hrs. In most cases you'll see battery full when it's not even up to an hour since you plugged in the phone. This isn't right, just ignore the message and make your charging 5-6hrs or 16 hrs, however the case may be.

2. Don't use your phone till it offs:
If you wish to prolong your battery life. Endeavor to charge it when it's got one bar left. This is best as letting it go off damages your cell. This specially goes for lithium-based batteries.

3. Avoid making your battery hot:
Making a battery hot weakens it strength. Research shows batteries that are kept under room condition tends to last longer. If your fond of leaving your phone in the car, under direct sunlight or maybe in your pocket. Stop these, it weakens your battery. Also, if your battery gets hot while charging. Consider checking your charger, the fault will definitely be from it.

4. Keep your batteries in a safe condition:
Putting your battery in an airtight container when not in use is best. Infact slizzed suggest you put it in a refrigerator, not a freezer!, make sure it's in an airtight container before doing this. Research shows, lithium-based batteries are less conductive in refrigerated conditions. Do this to preserve it's energy and also don't keep them in conductive containers. An airtight rubber or plastic is best.

5. Charge your phone as recommended by manufacturer:
Use only the type of charger specified by the manufacturer as using another may result in your phone heating up. Also, if your manufacturer says, don't allow phone to discharge completely, listen to them. They know what's best. There are different conditions for charging of a nickel-based and a lithium-based batteries, find out which yours is. You can check the back of your battery or seek technical specifications in manual for references to know which battery your phone has.

6. Clean battery contacts:
If dirt accumulates at the points of contact between your battery and your phone, clean if off. Accumulation of dirt reduces efficiency of energy transfer. You should try using cotton wool and isopropyl alcohol to clean it. This helps prevent accelerated corrosion known as bimetallic or galvanic. But when using this solvent, be careful as it may dissolve the batteries plastic cage or house.

Feel free to add any information you think will help with battery prolonging. Slizzed is a platform for helping answer people's questions. You can be our ambassador too!.

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