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Wednesday, 6 July 2016

How to live for 100 years and more.

Health old man

No one wishes to die yet the things we do still lead to our death. It's quite possible for one the live for 100 Years and more. This step will expose you to this secret.

1. Involve in regular exercises. This is a way of keeping your body strong to survive for 100 Years and more.

2. Never fail to go for check-ups annually. This way you can discover and treat illnesses much earlier.

3. Never engage in intake of illegal drugs and alcohol. These things shorten your life.

4. Like I mentioned earlier don't take alcohol. Even if you do, taking it ones in two weeks is enough.

5. Do not smoke, but if already you do smoke, quit doing it.

6. Sometimes, people do die in accidents. However, the most painful part is most of these accidents could have been prevented or the intensity of the injuries reduced. Just obey the rules of the road. Check my post on how to survive a car accident to learn more.

7. Don't let yourself be exposed to toxic chemicals and materials.

8. Always try your best to get enough rest.

9. Start eating a balanced diet accompanied with lots of fruits and vegetables.

10. Try and consume sufficient protein to stay resilent.

11. Eat sufficient carbohydrates to sustain your youthful energy.

12. Drink enough water to stay hydrated.

13. Consume a little bit of fat reach foods. You shouldn't take too much of this!.

14. Consume low-sodium diet to keep your heart at optimal level.

15. Always try your best to stay happy and relaxed. Worrying may result in hypertension.

If you've got any questions or contributions, use the comment box. Slizzed is always happy to help out!. 

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