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Monday, 30 May 2016

How to hack (what you need to know).

Everyone atleast ones in their lifes had desired to be a hacker. I know how hard it is to complete most game levels, reasons like this make you want to become a hacker. Well, you should know that being a hacker is not all about pressing the keyboards like you see in most movies. There is more to it than that, fortunately that's what slizzed is gonna expose to you. However, you should know, this post is for educational purposes only. Anything you get yourself involved in is to be faced by you not slizzed!.


1. Learn a programming language:
Hacking is all about manipulation of programming languages. They are different types of programming languages of which python, perl and batch scripting is one of them. You'll have to be in command of atleast 3 programming languages in other to become a successful hacker. So, go learn them.

2. Know your prey:
You need to know everything about what you want to hack. Take for instance, to hack a game, you'll need to gather information about the game and it's program (instructions that controls your game). This will make you know what program to write in other to achieve your goal.


1. use a *nix terminal for commands:
*Nix terminals are softwares that help you input commands into a computer. Cygwin works well for Windows O.S, Nmap too is also good. You'll need these software programs if you want to hack successfully.

2. Secure your machine:
Here you'll need to protect your devices against external attacks. Tracking you down to where you are will lead to trouble. So, to avert this make sure you protect yourself first before you start hacking.

3. Test the target:
Check if the target is active. You can do this remotely by using the ping utility (it is usually available in most operating systems). You can not trust the results though cause the settings may be changed by some paranoid administrators.

4. Know the operating system:
You'll need to know what kind of operating system your target is using. Running an Nmap scan can help you do this. Nmap runs a port scan thereby showing you the ports that are open on the system. It can also show you what type of firewall or router the operating system uses.

5. Find a port or open pathway in the system:
Ports like TCP and UDP are always more easier to hack than the well protected FTP(21) and HTTP(80). Just check for which port is open and unsecured for you to access.

6. Cracking the password:
You can use a brute force to do this,that's trying every possible password predefined by brute software. Most hashing algorithms are weak, you can take advantage of this weakness and Crack the system. Graphic cards, rainbow tables are also good means of cracking a systems password or authentication code.

7. Get super-user privileges:
Rooting your phone gives you a super-user privilege if targeting a nix* machine! . Getting administrator control works well for Windows devices too. Getting super-user
control makes you have better access to the target computers port or network.

8. Use various techniques:
Buffer overflow can give you a super-user privilege. It usually makes your computer perform a memory dumb thereby giving you the privilege to inject a code and perform a task at a high level than you would normally.

9. Create a back door:
This makes it possible for you to access a system again. It's best you create a backdoor on the compiler. This will make every compiled software of potential way of gaining access into the system next time.

10. Cover your tracks:
You should also learn how to cover your tracks after hacking. Employ every possible technique that can make your presence in the system unknown to the administrator of the system. Don't waste much time when hacking.

Slizzed understands that there may be some terms you don't understand. If any, Endeavor to ask if you've got problems understanding any step too. Slizzed is always happy to help you out!. 

Sunday, 29 May 2016

How to Grow Taller.

Getting tall is determined by numerous factors in which genetics and environment are great influences. This therefore means you'll need to access your family tree first in order to tress where your height issues are generated from. This does not mean you loss hope, you may be a decendant of your parents recessive gene.

Just make sure your lifestyle is in accordance with what I'll discuss here. You should also note that there's an age you reach which puts a stop to you growing taller. So, be sure you haven't passed that age first before embarking on this journey!. This age is from your mid-twenties up.

1. Understanding the effects of genetics:
This has so far proved to be a determinate of one's height. So, first you'll need to make researches about your ancestors. This will give you an idea on how tall you can get. Having tall parents those not determine if you'll be tall too. So you need to understand that genetics can limit your height.

2. Avoid what causes stunted growth:
Things like alcohol and drugs can make you stunted. Mainly because they'll make you not get enough sleep and sleeping is an essential factor when it comes to growth in general. These does not certify that you'll get tall but it'll ensure you grow fully before your mid-twenties.

3. Get enough sleep:
Like I mentioned earlier, sleep is essential for growth in general. So, endeavor to get enough sleep if you really wish to grow tall. Getting atleast 8.5 to 11 hours of sleep every night is just perfect.

4. Eat well:
You'll need to take enough vitamins and minerals. This will help you grow completely. Carbohydrates, proteins, calcium, vitamin D and zinc are also good things to consume in order to grow taller. Just ensure you take the adequate amounts.

5. Develop a strong immune system:
Illnesses could also result in a stunted growth. However, they may be prevented by the immunization you had as a baby. Not all may have been prevented, consuming enough vitamin C can help keep your immune system strong. You should also rest immediately you notice an offspring of any illness.

6. Exercising:
These may not be of help if your growth plates are already closed. However, if otherwise, getting enough sleep, proper diet, accompanied with the right exercise can boost your height. You should note that there are specific exercises for this.

7. Practice good postures:
Bad postures can actually make you not grow tall or make you look short. They affect the curvature of your growing spine. Sit upright when on chairs and walk straight not bent. Slizzed suggest you make research on how to develop a good posture.

8. Meet a doctor:
If after getting enough rest, exercising and eating properly, there isn't any improvement in your height. Slizzed suggest you meet a doctor. There may be other reasons for you not growing taller before your mid-twenties. The earlier you know the better!.

As always, slizzed looks forward to your success in growing taller. If you've got any questions or contributions. Feel free to ask or add. Slizzed is always happy to help you out!.

How to get a Six pack (without equipments).

Many do long for six packs but getting them seems to be impossible for them. Probably because they can't afford the equipments needed to achieve this, well it's fortunately there are proven ways you could still achieve this goal and that's exactly what slizzed is  gonna share with you guys.


1. Burn your fat:
Belly fats are one of those things that stand against you getting your six packs. So, you'll have to eliminate them first in other to achieve your goal. Exercises like sit-ups will help you accomplish this goal.

2. Reduce your calorie intake:
Calorie are those things that results in that belly fat you've got. So you've got to burn more of it than you take in other to reveal that abdominal muscles you've got. Not eating does not help at all, rather it only signals your body to produce fat. Slizzed suggest you make researches on how to reduce the calories in your system.

3. Consume lean protein:
These include chicken, fish, turkey or for vegetarians tofu, tempeh. You need these cause they are responsible for body building. This includes your abdominal muscles too. So, to get a Six pack quick, take in an adequate amount of protein.

4. Eat vegetables and fruits:
These are reach in vitamins and nutrients that help maintain a healthy lifestyle. Good sources of fruits and vegetables includes oranges, guava, mango, kiwis and pineapples. You should also take garlic, broccoli and lentils as they help in shedding fat.

5. Drink enough water:
Taking enough water makes you hydrated resulting in a much healthy body and reducing the amount of sugary products you consume. Hence, Endeavor to take atleast 3 cups of water each day.

6. Do cardiovascular exercises:
These are exercises that keeps the heart rate up. Exercises like walking, swimming, hiking and biking are good cardiovascular exercises. Slizzed advices you stick to something that's much easier for you. Do these for 30-60 minutes.


1. Targeting the abdominal areas:
When exercising for packs. Endeavor to pick wisely, exercises that works pretty well in developing your three abdominal areas. The upper, lower and obliques (side) abdominals. Every exercise you do is targeted for developing a particular area of your abdominals. So, make sure the exercises you do supplements for all sections of the abdominals.

2. Exercising the lower abs:
Exercises like leg lifts, scissors are good for developing your lower abs. You could find out other means of developing your lower abs by simply typing on Google. Simultaneously, we could help you out with that. Feel free to ask.

3. Develop your upper abs:
You could check Google for exercises that works pretty well in developing your upper abs. However, if you feel that's too much of a stress, you could simply ask slizzed for help using the comment box at the end of this page.

4. Build up your obliques:
You'll need to practice these exercises in other to develop your obliques(side abs).
Side bends is a good exercise which works well in develop your obliques. If you feel uncomfortable with side bends. You could ask slizzed too for other ways or exercises that would work best for you.

5. Do planks:
These exercises are necessary for developing all your abdominal muscles together. To do this exercise, get in push-up position, using your elbows for support rather than your hands. Keep your body in a straight line, making sure that your hips do not sag. Hold for as long as you can.
Keep your head relaxed and looking at the floor.
Start off holding this position for 10 seconds at a time, and work your way up to longer intervals.
To make sure that your body is straight, do this exercise in front of a mirror.

As always slizzed looks forward to your success in getting your dream abs. Slizzed is always happy to help you out!. 

Saturday, 28 May 2016

How to get a guy to like you.

Are you tired of sitting and waiting in that corner for a guy to notice you?. Or probably you want that guy to be totally crazy about you the same way your crazy about him too?. Don't worry about that anymore, after reading this post you'll definitely be smiling home!.

1. Be confident:
Confidence is the first thing you need if you want that guy to notice you. This doesn't mean you should be arrogant, loud, boisterous, chatty and forward. What you'll end up doing is scare the guy. So, endeavor to let him see the sweet, secure and humble part of you. But, learn to come out of your shell too. Guys like confident girls who can control their own lives.

2. Look your best:
Always strive to look your best when your around the guy you like. Not only will this make him attracted to you, it'll also give you confidence. However, you should not overdo the dressing, a little mascara, lip-balm would be ok. Never forget to smile, smiling makes people attracted to you.

3. Make your presence known:
One thing you should know is, the guy won't get to like you if he doesn't even know you exist. Saying hi and goodbye isn't bad, try to create a conversation between the both of you guys. You should also try to give him some signs that you like him, but do this tactically. Most guys are scared of asking a girl out because they are scared that the girl will turn them down. Just try and make things a little bit easy for him.

4. Have a good sense of humor:
You should learn to laugh at things. This doesn't mean you should become a giggling fool, this will totally give the guy a bad impression about you. So, learn to laugh at things although not to every single thing someone does. Not laughing makes you look too serious and it'll totally scare the guy away. You definitely do not want this!.

5. Make him know your available:
If a guy thinks your not single he'll definitely think twice about you. Make him know your single and ready to mingle!.

All the things written in this post have been tested and confirmed!. Slizzed looks forward to you Union with your dream Guy!. If you've got any questions to ask, drop them in the comment box. They'll be a post on "how to make a guy ask you out", so watch this blog closely. Slizzed is always happy to help you out!. 

Friday, 27 May 2016

How to pass your exams.

Passing exams is what everyone wishes for, however, achieving this has proved to be an obstacle to many. Slizzed having observed this trend has decided to write on a way to overcome it. All you need do is practice these steps:

1. Calm down:
What tends to cause failure in exams for many is fear. So, you've got to overcome fear first in order your pass your exams.

2. Find out what areas to cover:
It's best you become friends with your teachers. Not only will this help fight the fear you've got for that subject. It will also create a platform where you could ask them for areas of concentration. They'll definitely give you a tip on what to read!. This will help you utilize your study time wisely too.

3. Create a study plan:
You'll need to create a timetable for yourself. It's best you repeat more of the subjects you've got problems with or those you find challenging.

4. Discover your reading style:
Everyone is gifted with a reading style. For you it may be imagination or probably singing. Use of cards do work too, find your own reading method. If you've got any problems doing this, feel free to ask slizzed.

5. Take notes and ask questions:
Research shows that students who ask questions in class tends to perform greatly in class than those who don't. Don't think your dull. If you don't understand something ask your teachers, they'll explain more. Also, never forget to take notes of those things your teacher emphasizes more when teaching. It may come up in your exams!.

6. Gather resources: Anything that helps you study better is your resource. It may be your textbooks, study cards, even your relations. Gather them before you start studying.

7. Ask for help:
Find a friend you can study with, it helps in making studying fun and easier. Forming a study group is great too.

8. Find memorizing techniques:
These may be use of abbreviations to study. Something like MR NIGER D works for characteristics of living things. You could also use rhymes. Find anyone that works for you.

9. Sneak in study:
Short study periods are more effective than long study periods. Go over the notes you took earlier. It helps refresh your memory.

10. Reward yourself:
You could always reward yourself with a soccer game after completing your plans. It serves as a motivation.

11. Organize yourself:
This helps in keeping you focused. Being scattered before your exams can make you forget what you've read. So, always organize yourself for the exams you've got. Fond all the materials you'll need and keep them.

12. Eat properly:
Make sure you eat before your exams and properly too. Eating something bad can disturb you during the exams making you want to use the toilet. Also not eating will make you hungry. All these will end up in you failing your exams. So, eat and eat properly.

13. Get enough sleep:
After reading and practicing for your exams. Make sure you get enough sleep. 8 hrs is OK. This will help calm and refresh your brain.

14. Arrive early for exams:
Arriving at the exams Center before the exams commences is best. This will make you calm and prepared for the exams.

If you've got any questions about this post, feel free to ask. Slizzed is always happy to help you out!. 

Thursday, 26 May 2016

How to develop basic soccer Dribbling Skills.

Soccer is a game of passion indeed. People do have passion for it but not the skills. Fortunately, it's a possibility to develop this skills and all you need do is nurture that passion you've got, after this, be looking forward to being that star on the field.


1. Make gentle touches with the ball:
Making gentle contact with the ball gives you a better control over the ball. Also, the more you touch the ball, the better advantage you've got at controlling it's movement.

2. Keep the ball close to your feet:
This gives the defender a more difficult time getting the ball from you. Keep your knees bent and your body in between the defender and the ball. This is called shielding.

3. Use the fore edge of your feet to control the ball:
Use the leading edge of your feet to dribble. This helps you maneuver the ball easily. Moving the ball in between the insides of your feet is a nice skill.

4. Have a centralized view:
Don't put all your attention on the ba. Keep your site in between the ball and the rest of the field.

5. Change your dribbling pace:
Don't have a predictable dribbling pattern. This will make defenders get the ball from you easily. Learn how to change your dribbling pace, it makes the defenders confused.

6. Use your body to shield the ball:
Use your body parts, your shoulders, arms, legs to protect the ball. Never, push or kick your opponent in the process.


1. Practice dribbling:
Try galloping the ball, while running and keeping the ball a few feet from your foot. Use the fore edge of your feet to roll the ball. Do this in a field!.

2. Dribble with speed:
Try your dribbling practice and increase in speed daily. Do this while your feet touches the ball in every five to eight steps you make.

3. Dribble through obstacles:
Arrange things atleast 3 feets apart from each other. They'll serve as your opponents on the field. The only thing is they are static. Try Rolling the ball through this obstacles in a wavy like pattern.
4. Practice cross over Dribbles:
Dribble through the obstacles while trying to left the ball over them.

5. Practice inside-outside dribbles:
Try moving the ball forward and backward while moving towards an obstacle.

6. Practice roll inside dribbles:
While running towards an obstacle try moving it leftward or the other way(right). This confuses the defenders.

7. Practice passing the ball forward and backward without obstacles:
As the instructions goes. Try practicing your dribbles without obstacles.

If you've got any questions or contributions, feel free to add. Slizzed remains faithful to helping you out. 

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

How to make your face fresh (only three things to do).

Having a younger skin is what everyone cherishes. If you don't, that's just too off dear. Most of you guys asked I write on this, making your skin look younger. Well its finally here, as always just be patient while you wait for results.


1. Wash your face:
Washing your face as so far proved to be really good, not just on making your face look younger, but it helps in clearing pimples. Wash your face twice a day. Do this using a product that's oil free, with neutral PH and rinse with lukewarm water.

2. Don't over wash:
Washing is good but don't over do this. Washing your face too much can rid it of oil making your face irritated and look less younger. Wash your face no more than twice a day.

3. Apply moisturizers:
Do this to help boost the production of collagen and elastin. Slizzed advices use of oil free moisturizers.

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

How to stay motivated in school.

Things have been going smoothly with you in school, started up quite well. You were having good grades and everything. Infact you started with all amount of determination. Then suddenly that zeal you got just burned out?. Usually it's not easy getting motivated again. There are a few things you've got to know in order to achieve this. That's exactly the things slizzed is gonna share with you.


1. Always think of how you want your life to be before going to bed:
Thinking about your future really helps a lot. Probably writing down the things you'd like to achieve when your an adult will help keep that fire burning. Just remember, you can't achieve these dreams you've got, without school.

2. Make fiends with same dream:
Try making friends with people you see have the same dream as you do. That's like someone you know likes school. Associating yourself with people that hate school will definitely make you hate school too. Just pick your friends wisely, they determine your future sweetheart!.


1. Make a schedule for studying:
Draft out a time table for yourself. This doesn't mean, timetable for reading. This includes the things you'll do. Like shopping, going on an outing with a friend. Having an organised life is a really great step towards success in life, generally. So create a schedule for yourself, anything you didn't plan for, don't do it!. Except it's an emergency.

2. Maintain your schedule:
It's a piece of cake drafting out a schedule no doubt. However, adhering to it is quite difficult. Get a calendar or maybe you could use your mobile phone. Set reminders for yourself, when the alarm goes off. Having created an imaginary future for yourself, thinking of that life should give you the courage you need to leave what ever your  doing and listen to the alarm.

3. Have a decent studying place:
If where you read is all scattered and messed up you'll get distracted easily. Having a burger on your reading table won't help you at all. Have a clean and clear table, this means putting your things in place. It makes you feel better and focused.

4. Create a study group:
This is where those friends you made in school comes in. Now if your friends are all about parties and clubs, they definitely won't come with you to read. Reading do get boring must time. Trust me darling, I understand. So like I said earlier, pick friends with similar goals. They'll be damn happy to come read too. Just make your studies fun with the study group you've Made.

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