Passing exams is what everyone wishes for, however, achieving this has proved to be an obstacle to many. Slizzed having observed this trend has decided to write on a way to overcome it. All you need do is practice these steps:
1. Calm down:
What tends to cause failure in exams for many is fear. So, you've got to overcome fear first in order your pass your exams.
2. Find out what areas to cover:
It's best you become friends with your teachers. Not only will this help fight the fear you've got for that subject. It will also create a platform where you could ask them for areas of concentration. They'll definitely give you a tip on what to read!. This will help you utilize your study time wisely too.
3. Create a study plan:
You'll need to create a timetable for yourself. It's best you repeat more of the subjects you've got problems with or those you find challenging.
4. Discover your reading style:
Everyone is gifted with a reading style. For you it may be imagination or probably singing. Use of cards do work too, find your own reading method. If you've got any problems doing this, feel free to ask slizzed.
5. Take notes and ask questions:
Research shows that students who ask questions in class tends to perform greatly in class than those who don't. Don't think your dull. If you don't understand something ask your teachers, they'll explain more. Also, never forget to take notes of those things your teacher emphasizes more when teaching. It may come up in your exams!.
6. Gather resources: Anything that helps you study better is your resource. It may be your textbooks, study cards, even your relations. Gather them before you start studying.
7. Ask for help:
Find a friend you can study with, it helps in making studying fun and easier. Forming a study group is great too.
8. Find memorizing techniques:
These may be use of abbreviations to study. Something like MR NIGER D works for characteristics of living things. You could also use rhymes. Find anyone that works for you.
9. Sneak in study:
Short study periods are more effective than long study periods. Go over the notes you took earlier. It helps refresh your memory.
10. Reward yourself:
You could always reward yourself with a soccer game after completing your plans. It serves as a motivation.
11. Organize yourself:
This helps in keeping you focused. Being scattered before your exams can make you forget what you've read. So, always organize yourself for the exams you've got. Fond all the materials you'll need and keep them.
12. Eat properly:
Make sure you eat before your exams and properly too. Eating something bad can disturb you during the exams making you want to use the toilet. Also not eating will make you hungry. All these will end up in you failing your exams. So, eat and eat properly.
13. Get enough sleep:
After reading and practicing for your exams. Make sure you get enough sleep. 8 hrs is OK. This will help calm and refresh your brain.
14. Arrive early for exams:
Arriving at the exams Center before the exams commences is best. This will make you calm and prepared for the exams.
If you've got any questions about this post, feel free to ask. Slizzed is always happy to help you out!.
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